Register Globals

If you remember writing CGI applications in C in your early days of web application development, you know how tedious form processing can be. With PHP's register_globals directive enabled, the complexity of parsing raw form data is taken care of for you, and global variables are created from numerous remote sources. This makes writing PHP applications very easy and convenient, but it also poses a security risk.

In truth, register_globals is unfairly maligned. Alone, it does not create a security vulnerabilitya developer must make a mistake. However, two primary reasons you should develop and deploy applications with register_globals disabled are that it:

  • Can increase the magnitude of a security vulnerability

  • Hides the origin of data, conflicting with a developer's responsibility to keep track of data at all times

All examples in this book assume register_globals to be disabled. Instead, I use superglobal arrays such as $_GET and $_POST. Using these arrays is nearly as convenient as relying on register_globals, and the slight lack of convenience is well worth the increase in security.

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